Oli’s Story

...The games are open to transplant survivors from across the UK, competing in more than

Social Media Support 📱

...to talk to each other, share experiences and ask questions.   Click here to join

Double Inlet Left Ventricle – Youth Zone

...find an animation about DILV – A visual guide to help you understand the information

Double Outlet Right Ventricle – Youth Zone

...Below you will find an animation about DORV – A visual guide to help you

Transforming collaborative research: a national strategy to address the JLA priorities for children and adults with CHD

...of children born with congenital heart disease are expected to survive into adulthood. However many

Support for Adults with half a working heart

...perfect place to talk to each other, share experiences and ask questions. Joining this group

Amie and Robert

...in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with her own nurse and monitors all around

Research Partnerships

Research Partnerships If you would like to collaborate with Little Hearts Matter for your research

John’s Story

...termination, birth with no intervention which would allow him to die, or open heart surgery

Fontan Associated Liver Disease

...ask if I have questions? Always feel free to ask questions of your cardiac team