Michelle’s Story

...would end her life. Her friends told her it was a simple decision, but it

Fundraising Ideas

...assured we are super flexible and open to any of your fab fundraising ideas! 30

‘We are prepared to spend his first birthday in hospital, and that’s OK’- Laura on her Son Lennox

...‘the hardest and most agonising’. Other complications can also follow as Lennox’s lung collapsed and


...was finally able to come down to us to visit for the weekend. This continued,

Our HLHS Journey and why I created an app for families like ours

...be told 24 hours after birth that Maisie only has half a heart. There was

‘Half a Heart’ charity celebrates 30 year anniversary with new awareness campaign

...offering a supportive community for individuals and families affected by this condition – and this

“Life in 2020 remains unknown” – Maggie’s Story

...but Suzie kindly arranged help to get to the Open Day in Birmingham as well

Contact LHM 📞

...to a member of the LHM team, our phone lines are open daily until 10:00

LHM Kidz Stories

...open heart surgeries and 3 more heart surgeries to help me survive, improve my day

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – update 23rd March 2020

...for a walk or a bike ride in a wide open space. No playgrounds. If