LHM fills all Ride100 places!

We are delighted to announce that we have filled all of our Ride100 places! We

Stephen’s Story

...brave 4 year old little boy Sean through complications following his Fontan surgery. Our lives

Heart Surgery During A National Lockdown – Max’s Story

...could be together to offer what little support we could, whilst our boy fought against

Members Respond to LHM’s Winter Newsletter

...response to our latest publication:  “Yesterday I read the newsletter and your first page brought

Covid-19 – Stepping out of Shielding – June 2020

...there is no greater risk of this condition in the CHD community. Studies coming out

Tricuspid Atresia – Youth Zone

...a purple mixed blood. From here the purple blood passes in to the left pumping


Research LHM has proudly been involved in various pieces of medical research over the years.

My baby was only three days old when he had an open heart operation.

...we had the added complication of actually explaining to Fin what was going to happen.

Pulmonary Atresia – Youth Zone

...to help you understand the information on this page. [gva_box_video photo=”13516″]https://www.lhm.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Travelling-through-the-Pulmonary-Atresia-Heart.mp4[/gva_box_video] Back to top Do

Covid-19 – Coronavirus and Single Ventricle Heart Disease – Your Questions Answered – March 2020

...they feel are in the higher risk category if they were to catch Coronavirus, bringing