LHM Kidz – Comics

...return to school after their summer break. Isaac is struggling to manage his energy spoons,

Fontan-Associated Liver Disease

...part to chronically elevated central venous pressures (CVPs) and a lack of pulsatility, resulting in

Little Hearts Matter Launches Christmas Appeal to Support Crucial Helpline

...team at LHM is committed to ensuring no question is too small, offering guidance and

Celebrating Vivien Thomas for Black History Month 2022

...that stop him from following his passion for medicine.  Vivien Thomas developed techniques and tools

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Update – July 2021

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a common respiratory illness that is normally seen in the

My Story – LHM Member Ivy Bouch

Meet Ivy! She’s a remarkable seven-year-old girl full of courage and compassion, despite facing the

Bereavement Support 🌼

...link with other parents who know what it is like to lose a child because

Support us in memory of a loved one

...Little Hearts Matter in memory of their son, Ronnie, who sadly passed away to a

The Fontan Pathway Film

...in explaining their child’s surgery and that doctors and nurses will use it to help

Youth Members – EXER 2.6 Challenge

...Hearts Matter. We though this absolutely deserved a mention and a huge thank you! Well