Jessica and Ollie

By the time of her 12 week scan, Jessica had a high chance of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome and/or a heart condition. The words ‘I can only see half the heart beating’ brought her world crashing down as she sobbed into her husband’s arms.
Their little boy had Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome along with other conditions. He was also unlikely to survive the pregnancy. She continued with it and was also relieved to find out that there were no chromosome abnormalities either. When she found out about Oliver’s condition, she immediately got in touch with Little Hearts Matter and joined their Facebook page.
After his septostomy and stent placement, Ollie was taken home, but he struggled to gain weight. Yet again he was hospitalized and put on a feeding tube. But after being released again, this issue continued. Ollie also struggled with oxygen saturation and it was time to have his Glen surgery. But he was underweight, and it was extremely risky. They went through the surgery, and Jessica recalls the difficulty of seeing Ollie ‘all puffy and swollen.’ He even had a stroke that went undetected.
Little Hearts Matter has supported Jessica from the very beginning and she says ‘it’s such an amazing charity that always has time for you.